Best Sellers of the Week
Eating one cantaloupe can give you 337% of a daily does of Vitamin C and 373% of a daily does of Vitamin A. Talk to Galen or Jesse to learn more about our 9ct or 12ct cantaloupes. Call For Inquiries
Red Grapes
California Flame Red Grapes are now available at Umina! They are sweet, crisp and rich in flavor with a low acid finish in taste. Check with Chris to learn more about our large and extra large sized, Flame Red Grapes. Call For Inquiries
White Corn
Did you know an ear of corn can contain up to 400 kernels? Talk to Peter to find out more about availability on our fresh, white and yellow Brentwood Corn. Call For Inquiries
Product of the Month
Strawberry Cucumber Popsicles
Seasonal Calendar
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