Best Sellers of the Week
Red, Green and Black Grapes
We work with a very diversified grower that can work with any price point you need to service your customers. We have a strong supply on both conventional and organic grapes. Ask about our variety and size options. Call For Inquiries
Spring Mix
This combination is a mix of 16 greens and vegetables and is a great source of Vitamin A. Talk to Joe to find out more about the conventional and organic 3 lb bags we have available, promotable volume is available. Call For Inquiries
Honeydew Melons
A great warm weather item, high juice content and high sugars. Volume is strong, loading daily, multiple labels and price points available for your needs. Available in 4/5/6/8 ct. Call For Inquiries
Product of the Month
Dracula Blood Oranges
Orange Ricotta Pancakes
Seasonal Calendar
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