Best Sellers of the Week
Organic Green Bartlett Pears
Bartletts are extremely aromatic pears, and have that definitive “pear flavor.” Often, the Bartletts found are green, and then they change to yellow as they ripen at home when left at room temperature. Great color, multiple sizes available. Call For Inquiries
Pumpkins and Gourds
Now shipping carving pumpkins, sugar pie pumpkins and varietal pumpkins and gourds. Bins and cartons are available and corn is coming soon! Call For Inquiries
Crimson Red Seedless Grapes
Crimsons are coming in from the San Joaquin Valley and are full of flavor and color. This later season variety offers the best brix, color, and XL sizes. Ad opportunities are also available. Call For Inquiries
Product of the Month
Dracula Blood Oranges
Sweet Potato Oranges
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