Best Sellers of the Week
California Grapes
The domestic season has begun, we are currently shipping out of Coachella valley, and will be transitioning as the weather dictates. The season is off to a great start with high brix and great acid balance. Speak with Chris to find out which size and price point works for your needs. Call For Inquiries
California Cantaloupes
Hold on to your fruit cups, melon flavor has returned! Umina picked melons are harvested at full maturity and peak flavor on the vine. We often harvest the same field multiple times to ensure each melon has time to reach peak flavor the only place it can, on the vine. Our melons are shed packed and cooled utilizing GAP (Good Agricultural Practices) and strict food safety measures required for qualification under GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) certification. Call For Inquiries
Feature a staple grocery item fighting the war on carbs. This healthy fat will fuel your fire and curb your hunger Avocados are one of the only fruits that contain heart-healthy monounsaturated fat (the good-for-you fat) that helps boost good (HDL) cholesterol and lowers bad (LDL) cholesterol. So don’t skip out on the side of guac next time! Call For Inquiries
Product of the Month
Brentwood Sweet Corn
Mexican Grilled-Corn Salad with Citrus Aioli
Seasonal Calendar
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